How to Detect IOT Open-Source Code Vulnerabilities (with 8 effective mitigation strategies) Jayesh Patil July 12, 2024

Image showing IoT Open Source Code Vulnerabilities

How to Detect IOT Open-Source Code Vulnerabilities (with 8 effective mitigation strategies)

Have you ever thought about how hackers use weaknesses in IoT systems? Just as these devices’ interconnectivity enhances convenience and automation, cybersecurity threats accompany it. IOT open-source code vulnerabilities provide hackers with the perfect platform for their attacks. When it comes to the collaboration involved in open-source software development, keeping it secure is a challenging task, as some security oversights may occur inadvertently.

How do IOT Open-Source Code Vulnerabilities Creep In?

Open-source software powers a large portion of modern technology, including many IOT systems. However, regarding security, open source can introduce vulnerabilities if best practices are not followed effectively. Here are some sources for IOT Open-Source Code Vulnerabilities:

  • Security Debt: To keep up with the pace of innovation, developers prioritize functionality over security during initial development. This leaves vulnerabilities that are discovered and fixed later.
  • Unchecked Merges: Lack of oversight on contributions allows unintended vulnerabilities to be merged without proper security reviews.
  • Testing Gaps: Due to limited resources and community support models, vulnerability and regression testing may need to be more comprehensive.
  • Outdated Packages: Dependency on external packages also creates vulnerabilities when they are not updated promptly.
  • Lack of SAST Integration: Many projects need to leverage Static Application Security Testing or incorporate it as a primary development practice.
  • Sanitization Failures: Errors abound when it comes to the implementation of input validation, output encoding and data sanitization, leading to vulnerabilities.
  • Cryptographic Missteps: Mistakes in implementing cryptographic systems put users at risk.

Common Types of Open-Source Code Vulnerabilities

Let’s look at some specific vulnerability types frequently observed in IOT open-source projects before moving on to mitigating IOT Open-Source Code Vulnerabilities:

  • Buffer Overflows: Result from copying data into a fixed-size buffer without validating size. Attackers exploit to crash programs or execute arbitrary code.
  • Command Injection: Inserting OS commands through unsensitized input leads to remote code execution.
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Flaws in sanitizing untrusted web page input before reflecting it allow injecting HTML/JS and stealing sensitive data.
  • Cryptographic Issues: Weak algorithms, implementation flaws, or improper use of open doors for decrypting traffic.
  • Information Leakage: Sensitive data disclosure due to lack of access control on debug interfaces, logs or functionality.
  • Insecure Authentication: Weak authentication schemes, password storage in plaintext/reversible formats, or absent rate limiting enable brute-force attacks.
  • Insecure Authorization: Overly permissive access controls or lack thereof enable escalation of privileges on compromised systems.
  • Injection Flaws: SQL, LDAP, or NoSQL query injection if user input is not sanitized before including in queries.
  • Memory Corruption: Bugs like double-free, use-after-free, etc, due to improper memory management can be exploited.
  • Path Traversal: Failing to sanitize “../../” sequences in file paths enables accessing arbitrary files.
  • Permissions, Privileges, Authorization Issues: Privilege issues and escalations impact security.
  • Remote Code Execution: Design flaws allowing unauthorized command execution on vulnerable IoT devices enable full takeovers.

Detecting IOT Open-Source Code Vulnerabilities

Early detection is critical to fixing vulnerabilities proactively. Let us examine some techniques and tools for detecting IOT open-source code vulnerabilities:

Static Analysis

Static Analysis examines code without executing it to detect security flaws, bugs, and policy violations. Popular open-source static analysis tools include:

  • Bandit: Security-oriented static analysis tool for Python code
  • Checkmarx: Detects vulnerabilities in C/C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, PHP and other languages
  • Clang Static Analyzer: Analyzes C/C++/Objective-C code for vulnerabilities
  • Flawfinder: Finds potential security flaws by pattern matching with a database
  • Fortify: Commercial SCA solution supporting many languages
  • Gremlin: Penetration testing framework that attacks applications via fuzzing
  • Nodetool: Static analysis security testing for Node.js
  • Semgrep: Ultra-fast static Analysis for many languages
  • SonarQube: SonarQube is your solution for Clean Code, deployable on-premises or in your cloud environment.

Dynamic Analysis

Complementing static Analysis, dynamic Analysis examines runtime behavior by executing programs with specific inputs and techniques like fuzzing to detect bugs, crashes and vulnerabilities. Useful dynamic analysis tools include:

  • American fuzzy lop (AFL): Security-oriented fuzzer for discovering crashes
  • APIFuzzer: Fuzz testing framework for REST APIs
  • JSFunFuzz: Security-focused fuzzer for JavaScript
  • mobs: Mobile security testing framework
  • OSSFuzz: Continuous fuzzing service for open-source projects
  • SymCC: Symbiotic concolic execution fuzzer to detect deep bugs
  • Trinity: Python-based vulnerability analysis and exploitation toolkit
  • ZAP: Intercepting proxy for recording and attacking web applications

Machine Learning Models

Machine learning, especially neural network models, is being increasingly used to detect vulnerabilities by learning directly from source code patterns:

  • IoTvulCode: Novel framework using RNN/LSTM for IoT vulnerability detection
  • DeepCode: Commercial AI assistant that finds bugs and vulnerabilities in code
  • CodeQL: Semmle’s ML-powered tool queries code to detect vulnerabilities
  • Deepsear: Deep learning aided static analysis framework for C/C++ vulnerabilities
  • VulDeePecker: Deep learning model to detect whether code has vulnerabilities


Image showing IoT Security Misconceptions

Mitigating IOT Open-Source Code Vulnerabilities

Given the costs of financial and reputational vulnerabilities, it is crucial for organizations developing and deploying IOT systems to address risks arising from open-source code proactively. Here are some practical measures:

  • Leverage Static and Dynamic Analysis Tools – Integrate Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST), and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) into the development process.
  • Audit Container Images – Scan Docker images for known vulnerabilities and configuration issues using Container Security scanning.
  • Use Compiler Hardening – Leverage compiler flags like AddressSanitizer, MemorySanitizer, and Control Flow Integrity offered by Clang/GCC to detect vulnerabilities at compile time.
  • Standardize Coding Practices – Adopt secure coding standards to address injection flaws, errors in input validation, output encoding, etc., through training.
  • Conduct Security Reviews – Implement code reviews focused on finding vulnerabilities before production use, emphasising cryptographic implementations.
  • Stay Updated on Dependencies – Automate monitoring dependency versions and promptly address vulnerabilities in third-party packages as new advisories are released.
  • Practice Defense in Depth – Layer security controls like access control mechanisms, rate limiting, data encryption in transit/storage, sandboxing, capabilities, and least privilege.
  • Bug Bounty Programs – Crowdsourced security testing by setting up bug bounty programs, allowing friendly hackers to report issues confidentially.

Take a Proactive Approach to Your IOT Security with Avigna

By proactively mitigating IOT Open-Source Code Vulnerabilities, responsible disclosure of issues and resilient defence strategies, at Avigna, we maximize the benefits of connectivity while minimizing entailing dangers. Contact us to learn how the future of IOT rests on striking this delicate balance through collaboration between all stakeholders. Email us at for a consultation with our experts.