About us Jayesh Patil February 6, 2020
At Avigna, we aspire to create a world where technology and sustainability are seamlessly integrated, resulting in a more connected and conscious future.

We are on a mission to transform 1000 companies by enabling them to build products that are both innovative and sustainable.

Whoe we are
About Us

Our expertise lies in the realm of IoT, empowering enterprises through cutting-edge products and industry-leading services. We meticulously tailor our solutions to the businesses of all scales to cater to their distinct requirements.

Who We Are
AvignaAI was founded by a group of visionary technologists who recognized the transformative power of IoT and its potential to reshape industries, optimize processes, and improve lives.

With a combined experience spanning several decades, our team is dedicated to delivering cutting-edge solutions that bridge the gap between technology and everyday life. Our state-of-the-art IoT solutions streamline operations, enhance efficiency, achieve sustainable growth, and unveil new possibilities for businesses.

Committed to realizing the fullest potential of IoT for your enterprise, our team is united by a passion – to disrupt how enterprises leverage IoT. Our technology footprint spans a wide spectrum of IoT applications from smart home solutions to heavy manufacturing automation systems.

We blend our decade-plus of cutting-edge industry experience with our innovative thinking to bridge the gap between technology and everyday life.
Our Core Values
The Five Key Tenets
Guiding Our Pathway

For us, thinking out of the box is passe. We think like there is no box at all. Every day at Avigna, we push our limits of technology to deliver exceptional technological solutions that enhance quality of life.


We fuel innovation at the speed of thought, bringing IoT concepts to reality with impeccable precision. From ideation to implementation, we embrace speed as the heartbeat of our IoT prowess.


We go the extra mile to devise solutions that stand unwavering amidst digital turbulence. We epitomize reliability in every step of our journey, from assessment to implementation and beyond.


We are committed to creating a conscious future. We channel our efforts into building IoT solutions that minimize waste, maximize resource utilization and advocate for our environmental consciousness.


We empower every team member to embrace our projects as their own. We nurture a culture of unwavering commitment and take the reins of IoT excellence with unparalleled dedication.

Why Choose Avigna?

At Avigna, we take pride in our culture, commitment, and collaboration. Our industry expertise along with our passion to creating a connected world drives us towards excellence in everything we do.

  • Expertise: Our team comprises committed and seasoned professionals adept at handling IoT challenges of varying complexities. Our track record of successful implementation is what imparts us a competitive edge in the IoT industry.
  • Tailored Solutions: Your business is unique and so are its challenges. We are experts at offering bespoke IoT solutions customized to solve your enterprise needs.
  • Seamless Integration: Our solutions offer seamless compatibility with pre-existing systems and workflows, ensuring smoother operations.
  • Dedicated Support: We guide our customers in their end-to-end IoT implementation journey. Our experts offer ongoing support and maintenance to ensure a successful and smooth implementation of our IoT solutions.
Our Patents

Over the years, we have actively participated in developing Internet of Things (IoT) technology, and have been at the forefront of technological advancements.

We have been fortunate enough to have our contributions recognized through patents. We take pride in our work and look forward to continuing our contribution to society via IoT in the future.

  • Patent for System and method for assessing the effectiveness of automation systems implemented in a building. US20220342403A1, filed on 21Apr2022, in the USPTO.
Be a Part of the IoT Revolution
Let’s together unlock the potential of connected technologies, creating a more connected and conscious world.
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Successful projects.

Distinguished experience in dealing with specialized projects.

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Years of experience.

Proven ability to handle IoT complexities.

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Industry Verticals

Wide Industry Knowledge

Team Avigna
Our Co-Founders
Jayesh 800 by 950
Jayesh Patil, co-founder of Avigna.ai and Delmon Solutions, is a tech visionary specializing in solving human problems through innovative technology. With a passion for connected machines, he holds four patents and envisions an interplanetary society. Jayesh shares his expertise in IoT, connected tech, and innovation across various platforms, backed by a background in electronics, mechanical engineering, management education, and hands-on entrepreneurial experience.
Jayesh Patil
Nambi 800 by 950
Nambivel Raj, Co-Founder and Director of Avigna.AI & Delmon Solutions boasts 16+ years in Smart Building, IoT, and Automation. An adept Innovative Problem Solver, he excels in architecting enterprise software, aiming to drive Digital Transformation across businesses. With a vision for tech-empowered enterprises, Nambivel aspires to transform 1000 businesses through Innovative Products, enhancing technology landscapes and impact while minimizing time to market.
Nambivel Raj
Great place to work certified
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