The Step-by-Step Approach to Proactive Cyber Security Nambivel Raj July 23, 2024

The Step-by-Step Plan for Proactive Cyber Security

The Step-by-Step Approach to Proactive Cyber Security

Are you tired of feeling unprepared in today’s dangerous digital world? Do you wish to have total peace of mind concerning security, considering the increasing levels of sophistication in cyber-attacks? You can follow a step-by-step cybersecurity action plan made by our team who have worked in the industry for many years to boost your guard and secure companies that are very much threatened.

Start With the Foundation

Every organization must go through the initial stages of implementing different security measures. These stages work as a foundation for the other ones.

Establish Clear Policies and Procedures

Decide how your security program’s daily operation will be the first thing to do. Draft written policies addressing access controls, software updates, device usage, and more. Document clear procedures for vendor onboarding, employee termination, and incident response.

Conduct a Risk Assessment

Pinpoint the key assets such as sensitive data, critical systems, and business processes. Discover probable threats and potential vulnerabilities that could face your organization; therefore, assess risks based on probable probability and potential impact.

Assign Security Roles and Responsibilities

Designate people – or teams – responsible for managing different security domains. Typical roles include a security operations center to monitor networks, an incident response team, and a security awareness program manager.

Establish an Incident Response Plan

Faults might appear in the tightest security network. However, when such problems occur, one must utilize recommended strategies and procedures.

Continuously Measure and Report on Progress

It is stated that rather than being a one-time project, security is a continued voyage. Therefore, performance indicators should be established, and the system’s efficiency should be reviewed regularly by meeting with stakeholders.

Strengthen your Defence

Once the groundwork is laid, you’re ready to strengthen your first line of defense. Apply these technical and procedural controls to reduce vulnerabilities.

Inventory and Patch Systems

Maintain an asset inventory of all hardware, software, and connected systems. Automate software patching and updates to address known vulnerabilities as new patches emerge.

Implement Role-Based Access Controls

Use role-based access to limit who can access what based on job duties. Prohibit shared or generic accounts. Enforce strong passwords, authentication, and account monitoring policies.

Segregate Networks

Isolate critical assets on separate secure network segments with limited ingress/egress points. Strictly regulate traffic between zones using application firewalls. Consider an additional layer of mobile device management for bring-your-own-device policies.

Enable Secure Configurations

Harden system security configurations by disabling unused services and ports, enforcing the principle of least privilege, and application whitelisting where possible.

Back-Up Critical Data

Establish a backup and disaster recovery plan with various backup types like full, incremental, and versioned changes. Routinely test restored data integrity from backups.

Configure Perimeter Protection

Network firewalls, web application firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, and an adequately segmented borderless network architecture should be used to check and sieve both inbound and outbound traffic.

Empowering The Employees

While solid technical measures are essential, people remain a core component of any security strategy. Empower your human assets with these additional controls:

Conduct Security Training and Awareness

Ensure all personnel – from users to executives – complete security awareness modules tailored to their roles. Simulate phishing tests and report results to highlight knowledge gaps. Maintain an ongoing training program.

Enforce a Clean Desk Policy

Physical documents and devices containing sensitive information must be securely stored when not in use. This prohibits data exposure through unintentional information leaks.

Require Strict Password Hygiene

Enforce technical controls for complex, unique passwords. Educate users never to share or write down passwords. Consider a password management solution for additional convenience and security.

Sanction Acceptable Use

Establish clear guidelines on the appropriate use of company assets and data. Users should understand behavior that is out of policy, like downloading unapproved apps or accessing inappropriate websites.

Screen New Hires Carefully

Perform background checks and reference validation on all potential hires. Monitor for signs of insider risk once employed.

Inspect Third-Party Relationships

Carefully vet vendors and other external partners’ security credentials. Confirm adequate controls via questionnaires and assessments. Consider contractual requirements to ensure security alignment.

Establish a Reporting Culture

Train staff to internally report any security incidents or concerns without fear of retaliation. Provide anonymous submission methods to encourage utilization.

Image showing IoT Security Misconceptions

Adopt A Proactive Mindset

No security plan is complete without these proactive strategies for continuous evaluation and readiness:

Conduct Regular Vulnerability Scanning

Regularly review core systems facing inwards and outwards for recognized weaknesses, incorrect set-up, and discrepancies in following regulations with the help of specific devices for scanning. Patch vulnerabilities immediately and update policies as needed.

Perform Regular Penetration Testing

Conduct internal and external “ethical hacking” style tests by accredited security professionals. They simulate real-world attack methodologies to identify exploitable vulnerabilities before criminals can.

Evaluate Third-Party Security Oversight

Regularly assess the security practices of all external partners, including cloud providers. Supplement with questionnaires, on-site audits, and independent third-party assessments as required.

Implement a Patch Management Program

Centrally track and remediate patches for all devices and applications immediately after patch release. Consider the automated distribution of critical patches.

Deploy Deception Technologies

Strategically place misleading information or “honey tokens” on networks and web properties. Alert when accessed, as this often denotes malicious behavior trying to blend in.

Mandate Incident Response Testing

Run periodic tests of your incident response plan to validate team preparedness, communications procedures, and response effectiveness. Integrate real-world learnings from actual past incidents.

Invest For the Long Haul

While initial security costs may seem steep, prioritizing an evolved, proactive program delivers immense long-term ROI protection for your business. Consider these strategic security investments:

Adopt a Digital Identity Solution

Establish identity as the core security foundation through solutions confirming user attributes and establishing trust between parties in access and transactions.

Implement a Breach and Attack Simulation System

Proactively test your people, processes, and technology through simulations of real-world attacks. Receive prioritized remediation guidance and measure effectiveness over time.

Purchase Cyber Insurance

While not a replacement for proper defense, cyber insurance improves financial protection resilience and risk transfer capabilities. Carriers often provide valuable risk assessment services and response resources as part of coverage.

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Take a Proactive Approach to Your IOT Security with Avigna

Aat Avigna, we maximize the benefits of connectivity while minimizing cybersecurity threats. Contact us to build a secured, connected future. Email us at for a consultation with our experts.